The Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited was set up by a proud Suratian named Mr. Dakecha in 1995 to protect the lives of the poor people in Gujarat. We have 26 branches all over Gujarat and offer services like the Vehicle Loans, Savings Accounts, Current Deposits, Overdrafts, Fund Transfer, Registering for various government schemes, Savings Account, SMS Banking, Mortgages and other services.
Factsheet of The Varachha Cooperative Bank LimitedBank Name | The Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited |
Founded in | Oct. 16, 1995 |
Promoters/founders | Shri P. B. Dhakecha |
Headquarter Address | The Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited |
Employee's | NA |
Type of Bank | Co-operative Bank |
Official Website | |
Customer Care Number | 261---2308090 |
The Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited is the result of the hard work put in by the people of Western Gujarat to bring a difference to their lives. Most of the people moved from their native place that did not have proper amenities to the prosperous areas of Surat in search of income generation and survival exactly 400 years ago. Most of the individuals entered and made a great name for themselves. It was created on October 16,1995 by Swami Sachhidanandji and the management consists of great stalwarts having wonderful and notable experience in the field of Finance, Textile and Commercial segments in a logical manner.
Shri P. B. Dhakecha is the founder of this prestigious institution and Shri B B Navapara is the Chairman and Shri P T Patel is the Vice Chairman of the Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited.Surat as we all know, is known for Diamond Trade and this belong to the Saurashtra Region and steadily the income of the people began to grow and this flagged the need to have the separate bank for this region.
The geographical need and the need of the people gave rise to the growth and development of the Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited.
We are also committed to do something for the development of the society and building and maintaining the social security of the people, conducting blood donation camps, donating body, eyes and other organs, helping families of soldiers sacrificed their lives for the nation, conducting mass marriages, promoting literacy and employment drives, Charity walks with celebrity to attract more customers and others.
Various banking services are offered by the Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited and they are as follows:
There are credit and loan services offered by the Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited and they are:
The Varachha Cooperative Bank Limited has 25 IFSC connected branches in India. Bank has branches in following states:
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