CMA Report for Bank Financing in 5 minutes

Generate Accurate and globally accepted Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA Data) report for bank financing


Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA Data)

Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA Data) report is required by every business who availed financing from banks. CMA report provides information about financial position of a business. CMA data is the main document, scrutinized by credit department of bank to assess existing financial arrangement and provide new financial assistance.

If you need overdraft facility from banks, you need to provide CMA report to bank. In fact for any cash credit facility CMA data is must have document.

How to prepare CMA report?

You can prepare CMA report online using Banking91 project report generator tool. Project report and CMA report are same in context of bank financing. In fact, CMA report format is used for project report in India.

You can CMA report with following steps:

  1. Login on Bankin91
  2. Type Firm name and submit
  3. Enter Basic details such as address, promoter's name, GSTIN etc. and submit
  4. Enter Fixed Assets details and Depreciation rates
  5. Submit Loan amount and interest rate
  6. Fill Profit and Loss statement, you need to fill first year only and projections can be autocalculated
  7. Fill Balance Sheet, you need to fill first year only and projections can be autocalculated
  8. Final step is to review and print the report.

Components of CMA data report

  • Covering page
  • Existing borrowings and proposed borrowings
  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit and Loss statement
  • Cash Flow statement
  • Depreciation Schedule
  • Ratio and analysis
    • Calculation of Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (MPBF),
    • Current Ratio,
    • Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR),
    • Profit Ratio,
    • Break Even Analysis.

No accounting
Knowledge required.

Best toool for CA, CWA, Consultants,
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Perfect Report,
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Data is stored,
using bank level security.